My LifeWave Testimony

“My testimony of using LifeWave’s phototherapy stem cell technology and how it has helped me to improve and manage my ALS symptoms” - Ted Hunter

I was diagnosed with ALS on February 11, 2021. The onset happened slowly; first in my legs and feet, and then about six months later my tongue and speech were affected. My upper body is still strong.

In May of 2024 a friend introduced me to a revolutionary natural and affordable product that activates your body’s own stem cells — with no side effects! You can learn more about LifeWave’s products and the technology at

As I began to research these products and to do my own due diligence, I discovered that the LifeWave Stem Cell patches were on the radar found on the “Future Review Page” for ALS clinical trials at Duke University! So that was a BIG Plus for me!

Since starting the LifeWave X39 patch, I have had significant improvement in my speech, additional muscle strength, better finger dexterity & coordination, better sleep, and an increase in my lung breathing capacity by 2%, as verified by my doctors at the Duke University ALS Clinic.

05/21/24 - Started the X39 Patch

05/21/24 - Had a conversation at lunch today. Noticed a little more volume in my speech. Got more words out in one breath. Everyone understood me.

05/23/24 - Speech improvement continues about 10%

05/24/24 - Highest Peak Expiratory Flow level of 549 / Goal is 415. Before starting LifeWave my highest score was 461.

05/24/24 - Noticed a little more pep pushing my wheelchair. It felt lighter!

05/25/24 - This morning at breakfast I noticed I was chewing and swallowing at a more natural pace than before. Wasn’t even thinking about it! I happened to notice that I finished my bowl of Cheerios in record time! I was like, “What just happened?”

05/25/24 - Also at breakfast I noticed less tremor in my left hand each time I drank my glass of juice.

05/26/24 - This morning at breakfast I noticed I had NO tremor in my right hand when I picked up my coffee cup. Did not need to use two hands to pick it up!

05/27/2024 - So this morning at breakfast I picked up my knife and fork on the first try! I did it several times just to make sure! 

05/28/2024 - Still have finger dexterity in my right hand. Tried opening a small pack of syrup for my French toast. Took about 3 minutes, but I got it. Well worth the feeling of accomplishment! Let’s see what happens at lunch in case I need to open a pack of mayonnaise for my sandwich. 

05/28/2024 - Lunch was able to cut my meat better with a knife. Index finger did not slide off while cutting.

05/28/2024 - Was able to open two small packs of crackers for my soup. Opened both packs on the first try!

05/29/2024 - My bursitis in my left shoulder is getting better. I’ve had it on and off since my may car accident in 1981 (today I’m 65 years old). Right now there is no pain, just some stiffness. However I can lift my left arm a little higher over my head than before. Not quite all the way like my right arm. Last night I did not wake up in the middle of the night with shoulder pain. Hallelujah!

05/30/2024 - This morning at breakfast I was twirling my fork around in my right hand effortlessly! Before I would have to lay it on the table, turn it over and pick it up again.

05/31/2024 - I had surgery on my right hand for a trigger finger back in 2016. It left thick scar tissue and a big ugly dark spot on top of the knuckle of my middle finger. I noticed today that the scar tissue had dissipated some. And the dark spot is basically gone and starting to match the coloration of the other knuckles. As you can see, the one inch surgery scar on the left side is still there, but I believe in time the stem cells may take care of that. I wish I had taken a “before” picture, but I didn’t really know this was gonna happen in 10-days of using the X39 Patch!

05/31/2024 - Today I had a four hour spa appointment out of town. I always wear extra Depends for long trips. I went from 9:30am until 2:00pm and I did not need to relieve my self. That was surprising and amazing!

05/31/2024 - Highest Peak Expiratory Flow level of 569 / Goal is 415. Before starting Lifewave my highest score was 461.

06/01/2024 - Slept on my left side for the first time in a while. No bursitis pain in my shoulder!

06/02/2024 - This morning I had excruciating pain under the ball of my big toe. It had been building up over the past two days from a bad bruise. Had trouble sleeping. I’m in a wheelchair most of the day. The pain was so bad that when I needed to stand up I had a hard time keeping my balance. So today I wore three X39 patches; 1 behind my neck, 1 below my belly button, 1 on my left shoulder. So it’s 9:25 pm and at least 90% of the pain is gone. I can stand up for all my ADL’s. I’ll give an update in the morning.

06/03/2024 - This morning a small amount of pain still there. Will use the same patch routine from yesterday. 

06/04/2024 - Pain and swelling gone!

06/04/2024 - Just got back from my ALS clinic appointment. Happy to say that my lung capacity numbers went up from three months ago by 2%. From 67% - 69%. Also the speech therapist noticed that my speech sounded a little better than three months ago. She said, “Good work on over articulation!”

06/05/2024 - Just checked some test results online in MyChart. There is a subjective test called ALSFRS-R which measures the progression of several categories in relation to ALS. A perfect score of 40 means you don’t have any symptoms. On average a person with ALS has a 1-point decline every three months. My score on 3/5/24 was “29.” My visit on 6/4/24 was “30”; a 1-point increase!

06/14/2024 - Still maintaining all improvements!

06/20/2024 - More conversation engagement at meal time. Speech is still improving. I notice more control of facial muscles. Can speak longer sentences in one breath. Don’t have to repeat words as much.

06/20/2024 - Lowest Forced Expiratory Volume score of 54. When I started X39, my FEV1 score was 143. Lower numbers are the goal!

06/22/2024 - Today is one month of using the X39 patch. My surgical scar is now closing up and fading away! I can tell by rubbing the knuckle that the scar tissue underneath is dissipating and more nerves in the skin are activated to the touch. Also since my last picture on May 31st, you can see that the dark area on the knuckle is still fading away.

06/22/2024 - Still have a tiny bit of tremor in my left hand pouring liquid into a glass, but no tremor in my right hand.

06/24/2024 - The Med Techs here at Assisted Living and myself have noticed an improvement of me swallowing my medications. I take my meds in the morning and at night with applesauce. One of the MTs laughed and jokingly said, “I’m having a hard time keeping up with you! What’s goin’ on?”

06/25/2024 - Lowest Forced Expiratory Volume score of 48. When I started X39, my FEV1 score was 143. Lower numbers are the goal! My lungs are still improving!

07/07/2024 - I wanted to wait a couple of weeks before sharing this one just to see if the results were consistent. And they are! I have better bladder control during the night. Not having an urge before I’m ready to get up. — Also sleeping much better. I’ve been waking up 30 minutes to an hour before my usual time. I feel very rested and it doesn't make sense to try to go back to sleep. So, I stay awake and do stretching exercises, or read for a while, something positive and inspiring to start my day!

07/07/2024 - I’m now buttoning my shirt collar button easier than before. Doesn’t take as long. Not hit and miss as much. Again, regaining a little more independence!

07/09/2024 - I have had Edema in both of my lower legs and feet since November 2022. My left foot is swollen a little more than my right. This is a current picture. Right now I’m experimenting with the patches to see which combination might give me the results I’m looking for.

07/12/2024 - I hadn’t paid much attention until today. Before I started the patches, my wheelchair would always roll a little bit to the left, and my left arm had to work harder. I have noticed recently that most of the time it goes straighter. I think for three reasons. 1) I added the Energy Enhancer patch a few days ago; 2) since May 29th my bursitis in my left shoulder from the car accident is gone, thanks to the X39 patch; 3) my left arm doesn’t get as tired and I now have more strength in that arm. So both wheels on my chair rotate at about the same speed, therefore it doesn’t lean to the left as much.

07/13/2024 - Continued improvement in my breathing. My FEV1 (Forced Exspitory Value) numbers are very consistent in the 2-digit range. Before starting the Lifewave patches my FEV1 numbers were in the 145 range. Lower numbers are better. It measures the amount of air I can force out in the least amount of time! In the video look in the far right column at the numbers highlighted in pink.

07/15/2024 - Two days ago I did my leg exercises and tried to push myself a little further. The next morning it felt like my thighs were going to cramp after I woke, and they had that burning sensation. For some people with ALS this can happen without doing any exercising at all. I started to panic a little. I took my time to transfer out of bed. Did some light stretching and postponed any more leg exercises for a while. I did have a little difficulty pushing my legs to stand up over the past two days. So just this morning I placed a Lifewave X49 patch on both thighs, in addition to the Aeon & X39 patches I wear everyday. The literature states that the X49 patch “Reduces recovery time following exercise.” So, I thought why not give it a try? It’s almost lunch time and I have to say that the burning sensation in my thighs from doing too much is practically gone. It burns a little when I flex my thighs, however the burning sensation is not there while I’m sitting. That’s a big improvement. I’ll continue wearing the X49s for a few more days. However, I’m still gonna give my legs some rest. I’ll gradually start building back up to where I was and just listen to my body. Taking baby steps!

07/16/2024 - This morning — no cramping or burning sensation in my thighs. Still gonna lay off on the leg exercises for a few more days. Still using the X49s on my thighs.

07/19/2024 - My legs are back in good shape. No cramping or burning. I got out today with a friend. Was able to transfer from my wheelchair to the car okay, no problem!

07/20/2024 - The Med Techs here at assisted living take my sugar readings every morning. I came off Metformin in April of 2023 with my doctor’s approval and have had success managing my sugar levels with my diet. My high and low ranges had been between 95 and 150. I started the X39 on 5/21/2024. I didn’t really see much of a change in my numbers for the first six weeks. But now my sugar readings have come down and have stayed between 85 and 115 each morning.

07/20/2024 - I have three separate recordings of my speech to compare how the X39 patch has plausibly had a positive influence on my articulation. I haven’t done anything different but add the patches. So this is a comparison from May 21st - July 20th. I recorded a short sample on June 19th, July 7th, and July 20th. I continue to do my speech exercises and I believe the X39 has helped strengthen certain muscles groups and neuropathways to get where I am today! The recording is a little over 2-minutes.

07/20/2024 - The other night while I was looking my text messages, I happened to notice that my left eye now only had one tiny dark floater. I remember it being a little larger. I checked my right eye and it was down to two long ones. However they were not all solid dark. A few sections of both floaters were now transparent. I could still see the outline of what used to be filled in. 

07/22/2024 - Ever since I began having symptoms of ALS my legs would spasm and fasciculate first thing in the morning before I got out of bed, and then again many times afterward when I would stand up from my wheelchair. They still do it some when I first wake up, but they have not been doing it lately when I get up from my wheelcair. Kinda nice not having to be too concerned about my balance!

07/27/2024 - Wow, my hair has gotten thicker over the past two months. I first noticed it when my little brush I have wasn’t doing an adequate job. I had to brush over the same area 3 or 4 more times. I’ve cut and trimmed my own hair for years, but I asked my sister to help me this time.

07/31/2024 - Highest Peak Expiratory Flow level of 598 / Goal is 415. Before starting Lifewave my highest score was 461.

08/01/2024 - Highest Peak Expiratory Flow level of 613 / Goal is 415. Before starting Lifewave my highest score was 461.

08/01/2024 - Today is 72 days after starting the patches.  Surgical scar very thin now, and darker tone. All new skin on top of the knuckle, no dark areas. No scar tissue under the knuckle!

09/05/2024 - I am thrilled to report that my doctor told me I am no longer diabetic! The new order is to have my blood sugar checked only once a week (instead of every morning), and then blood work every three months!

09/07/2024 - My mobility for turning in bed has greatly improved. I can switch from side to side with less effort and no assistance. I could not do this two months ago.

09/08/2024 - Speech is still improving. Here is the latest recording from June 19th and September 8th. About a minute and a half. Click here.

09/10/2024 - Highlights from my ALS follow up visit on September 10, 2024 at Duke University. I know this is long but well worth the read.

My "Lung Capacity" dipped a small amount. My "Peak Expiratory Value" was still high. Now I know to focus more on my diaphragm exercises.

My "Cough Peak Flow" was greatly improved!

My grip in my right hand almost doubled (66.8 PSI). My left hand was about the same (32.5 PSI).

I submitted an audio recording of my speech on June 19th and on September 8th. Vast improvement duly noted. My Speech Therapist said that my speech had more inflection, less monotone, deeper resonance and she understood every word.

I submitted a video of my mobility easily turning over in bed without assistance. I could not do this 3-months ago, it took great effort. Improvement was duly noted.

Upper body muscle test presented no decline with some improvement. Lower body muscle test had a small decline raising my right knee, otherwise all other tests were stable. 

I reported to Dr. Bedlack that I had started applying the Lifewave X39 stem cell patch every day for almost four months and I attributed much of my progress to using it. Dr. Bedlack is the leading ALS Neurologist in the country and known all over the world for his research. I'm very fortunate to have him as my doctor. Duke University has done numerous clinical trial studies and completed many reviews on patient suggested alternative modalities. On their website is also a huge list of future projects that patients have recommended. Lifewave patches ARE on that list. Having observed my overall progress in the past three months, it sparked an interest to do a special blood test to measure the toxicity level of nerve damage in my body as a baseline. Dr. Bedlack could not confirm that the Lifewave patches were the cause of my improvements. However, when I take the test again in three months, if the numbers go down significantly, implying that fewer nerve cells are damaged or dying, he told me in his own words, "That will be the tie breaker!" His research is strictly by the book and he will only look into something further if it meets certain protocols. The blood test is the first criteria. Keep me in your prayers!

There is a subjective test called the ALSFRS-R which measures the progression of several categories in relation to ALS. A perfect score of 48 means you don’t have ALS and you're up and walking. On average a person with ALS has a 1-point decline every three months. My score on 3/5/24 was “29.” My visit on 6/4/24 after using the X39 for about three weeks was “30”; a 1-point increase! Today 9/10/24 my score was "33"; a 3-point increase! Praise God!

Diagnosis: ALS stable and improved. Keep doing whatever you're doing!

Thank you God for Livewave!

10/13/2024 - Compared to my photo on 7/9/2024, my Edema has improved. The swelling in my left foot has gone down some. I can see the space between my big toe.


You can find the LifeWave Patches here!

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