My Mission in Life

I want to help eradicate Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and other neurodegenerative diseases on the planet! I believe Lifewave is my vehicle to true possibilities of overall wellness ... not only for myself, but also for millions of PALS around the world!

In a very short period of time the LifeWave patches have helped me to manage and improve my ALS symptoms. I have had significant improvement in my speech, additional muscle strength, better finger dexterity & coordination, better sleep, and an increase in my lung breathing capacity by 2%, as verified by my doctors at the Duke University ALS Clinic. Read - My LifeWave Testimony


Hi, my name is Ted Hunter. I was diagnosed with ALS on February 11, 2021. The onset happened slowly; first in my legs and feet, and then about six months later my tongue and speech were affected. My upper body is still strong. 

Over the past three years I have been in and out of physical and occupational therapy. I started with in-home health care until I could no longer manage 24/hour personal care at home. I moved into Assisted Living on March 7, 2023. I needed help with taking medications, meals, dressing, showering, and other day to day activities.

I have a great care team of doctors at Duke University’s ALS clinic. I like the fact that they are open to complimentary and alternative modalities, as well as traditional medicine. I feel empowered to explore as many options as possible under their care.

I am fortunate that my condition is on the side of the spectrum that progresses very slowly. This gives me the opportunity to try to optimize and improve my overall health as much as possible. On this website, I have included all the protocols I currently use. I pray that my website will also be a valuable resource for others living with ALS and their caregivers.

In the past I have been on two FDA drugs to slow down the progression of ALS. I used them for a brief period of time and had very bad reactions and had to discontinue taking them. 

In May of 2024 a friend introduced me to a revolutionary natural and affordable product that activates your body’s own stem cells with no side effects. You can learn more about LifeWave products and follow my progress as I document my testimony of using them. As I began to research these products and to do my due diligence, I discovered that these LifeWave stem cell patches were on the radar found on the “Future Review Page” for ALS clinical trials at Duke University! So that was a big plus for me. 

Dr. Bedlack who heads the Duke University ALS Clinic has documented 62 ALS reversals from all over the worldI believe it’s possible that I could be the next ALS reversal using many of the protocols I have gathered on my website. I cover topics related to Mind Set, Prayer, Spirituality, Music Therapy & Sound Healing, OTC Supplements, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Meditation, Energy Healing and multiple links to online ALS resources.

Since starting the LifeWave X39® Patches, I have had significant improvement in my speech, additional muscle strength, better finger dexterity & coordination, better sleep, and an increase in my lung breathing capacity by 2%, as verified by my doctors at the Duke University ALS Clinic.

You can find the LifeWave Patches here!

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