Stem Cell Research Associated with ALS


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  • Glycine plays a role in stem cell pluripotency and is crucial for GHK-Cu production.* ​

  • NAC supports glutathione levels, vital for stem cell health.* 

  • L-Lysine bolsters immune health and stem cell proliferation.* ​

  • Copper is essential for GHK-Cu and AHK-Cu production, aiding in stem cell migration.* ​

  • Beta Alanine increases carnosine levels, necessary for AHK-Cu formation.* ​

  • Creatine Monohydrate supports energy metabolism and stem cell activity.* ​

  • Selenium improves stem cell potency.* ​

  • Zinc promotes stem cell proliferation.* ​

  • PotassiumMagnesiumFiberVitamin C, and L-Citrulline each add their own unique benefits, ranging from supporting immune health to improving gut health.

  • Taurine, an amino acid, supports neural stem cell differentiation* ​
  • Magnesium Threonate crosses the blood-brain barrier, fostering relaxation and supporting neural stem cells.* ​
  • L-Theanine, found in tea and mushrooms, has been found to relieve stress.*​
  • Nattokinase, is an enzyme derived from fermented soy that supports cardiovascular health.* ​
  • Fiber, as a prebiotic, promotes gut health.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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